
Danny Meyer Posters

Posters created with traditional and digital methods. Danny's Trio will be playing Dazzle Jazz December 8th, 7pm and 9pm shows. Enjoy- and I hope to see you there. KH


Love at first sight

Created with a narrow-mouthed glass (which preserves the bubbles). Put in the ice -- 2 or 3 cubes are plenty. Some Brits prefer theirs without ice. Let 'em go it on their own hook. Next, pour the whiskey in your mouth, cram the ice cubes in your arm pits and throw the glass at the fireplace. Enjoy! KH


Monster Monster

Created with traditional and digital methods. Enjoy! KH

The Envy

Traditional and Digital methods. Enjoy- KH

Tin Can Driver

Markers, gauche and photoshop. Enjoy! KH


Pet Tin Can

Markers and a little photoshop. Enjoy! KH

At Sea

Created with graphite and gauche. Enjoy! KH



Quick thumbnail of a thug I've been working on. Graphite.